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An Introduction

PBNA consists of member firms represented by an owner, partner or key employee.


Meetings are held once a month. During these meetings, business referrals, marketing ideas and general business information will be exchanged. Members and guests are encouraged to meet outside of the regular meetings, such as for breakfast, lunch or "in office" meetings. These one-on-one meetings are necessary to develop the personal and in turn, the long-term business relationships, between our members and increase our awareness of how we operate.

PBNA is a tool that should be used to promote referrals. It should not be considered as a vehicle for members solely to sell their services to the membership. While this may happen, it should not be considered as the primary purpose, or even a major focus.



PBNA generally meets the first Wednesday of each month. Morning meetings are held at the 101 Club...


Membership Guidelines

Attendance and history with the group will determine which person becomes or remains a member.


Guest Center

In order to attend a PBNA meeting, you must be sponsored by a PBNA member. PBNA has a non-competitive policy...

What We Do

It should not be considered as a vehicle for members solely to sell their services to the membership.

While this may happen, it should not be considered as the primary purpose, or even a major focus.

Member contributions to business referrals are the fuel that makes PBNA run. Without the contributions of members, we cannot succeed and will cease to exist.

Providing business referrals to others, and helping others develop cold or lukewarm referrals into hot prospects, is often as difficult, or more difficult, then developing those referrals for yourself. The commitment to help other members is what makes PBNA the best of its kind.

Members understand that PBNA is a major commitment and that results do not occur overnight. For some it may, but for most, the benefit will be derived over a longer term. The important concept to consider is that PBNA is a powerful tool. It will expand your business development efforts. Generally, the effort you contribute will directly correlate to what you receive from those efforts. The potential returns are enormous.